Monday, March 16, 2015

Disney's Live Action Cinderella: My Movie Thoughts/Review


When I was a little girl I watched a few extra special Disney movies on regular(sometimes daily...but we wont discuss that) rotation. As an adult I realize now that they all represent major parts of myself; I connected with their stories and/or their characters on a deeper level than just "amusement" I saw something of myself on screen. Those films are; Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Mary Poppins, & Cinderella.  Everyone who knows me knows my obsession with Neverland and Wonderland in every possible way. They know Julie Andrews is an absolute goddess to me, and that one of my favorite princesses is Aurora. But Cinderella, hits close to home in a very personal way. In ways I do not talk about with most people. I always connected to Cinderella's spirit, goodness, and love of animals. I love every version of Cinderella. I grew up singing "In My Own Little Corner" from the Julie Andrews Cinderella and also the Lesley Ann Warren Cinderella. I watched them obsessively. That song really spoke to me because I practiced it. My imagination was my sanity, it got me through many hard times as a child. Because of my imagination, simple rocks became animals, grass became castles, and the giant octopus I often swam away from as a mermaid in the ocean, was just the cleaner for the pool.

 Then there was Walt Disney's Animated Cinderella. As a little blonde girl surrounded by the animals I adored more than life itself, Cinderella was someone I could see myself in. Cinderella saved animals, talked to animals, was friends with animals, all like myself. Cinderella was mainly known for being nice, like I was. Cinderella remained positive even when surrounded by negative. like myself.  As a child, those similarities allow you to connect and dream of fairy-tales and happily ever afters sometimes. My problem though was the prince had no personality, I was in love with Aurora's Prince Philip. He slayed a DRAGON for her, he danced and sang with her in the woods, and risked his life to be with her. He showed courage, kindness, bravery, humor, and he was handsome.  Prince Charming on the other hand danced with a girl and suddenly wants to marry her? BAH! Even as a little girl I thought that was fishy. But Cinderella and the mice made up for his lack of personality.

As an adult, in regards to the animated version,,I ache for Cinderella to stand up for herself. Maybe it's my own past that makes me wish so badly that she not be tortured.  I ache for Prince Charming to be...more charming? We don't know him at all really. Regardless, Cinderella will always have a deep meaning for me and will always be one my favorites to watch. Heck, I named one of my cats Gus Gus after the best mouse in the film!

"Where there is goodness, there is kindness. Where there is kindness, there is magic."

Kenneth Branagh directs Disney's Cinderella and manages to magically re-tell one of the world's most famous fairy tale stories without disrupting the beauty of the original tale. Branagh and screenplay writer Chris Weitz not only have kept the magic of Cinderella in tact but has also created a dare I say, flawless piece of art, with this updated version. While staying true to the original story he has managed to also make it new again. Giving us a back story, a phenomenal Prince Charming, an inspirational Cinderella, a truly human Step Mother, and a rich story about family, friends, choices we make, kindness, courage, and love.
My review of Cinderella is going to be different, and I'm going to highlight the top reasons why I loved this film so much. In no particular order. ;)

"I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer…
       have  c o u r a g e ,  and be  k i n d ."

1. Backstory. Cinderella introduces us to young Ella (Eloise Webb, later Lily James)  her Mother (Hayley Atwell) and her father (Ben Chaplin). We get to see the beauty of their loving family and the strong foundation that they gave Ella to hold her through what she will go through in her future. It's a magnificent life. Filled with happiness, vibrant beauty, and appreciation for everything around them.  We learn that Ella's home is very special to her parents, it's a dream for them. This family radiates love and life in the short time we see them together on screen. You understand Ella's love for her parents and vice versa. Sadly we quickly experience the heartbreaking loss of Ella's mother. Through this pivotal moment Kenneth Branagh & Chris Weitz did one of my favorite things for the film. They gave Ella valid reasons for her actions in the future. Ella's mother gives her advice that is the theme of the entire film. Have courage, and be kind. 

"Her stepmother-to-be was a woman of keen feeling and refined taste. And she too had known grief, but she wore it wonderfully well."

2. Evil Step Mother. "Villain" is far too simple a word for real life.. People are far too complex for that. I love how much life they put into Lady Tremaine (Cate Blanchett). She wasn't just a Villain. She was a wounded woman who chose to allow her wounds to make her angry and bitter. She was the direct opposite of Cinderella. My take on Lady Tremaine is that is why Cinderella bothered her so much. She saw what she once was or could have been, but watched as Cinderella did not break from abuse, she remained strong, kind, sincere, and loving. While Lady Tremaine turned cold, vicious, greedy, manipulative, and hateful. She saw in Cinderella everything she wasn't but everything she could have been. I truly love that they showed Lady Tremaine's vulnerability, fear, and a quick glimpse into her own backstory. She is a truly fascinating woman. It made the abuse done to Cinderella that much more tragic and the story so much more compelling. 

"Just because it’s what‘s done doesn’t mean it’s what should be done!"

3. Ella. I cannot express to you how much I adore Ella (Lily James). There are people who say it's "Anti-Feminist", well I completely disagree with them. I feel that Feminism comes in all different shapes, forms, styles, and people. It's not just one way and it's most definitely not spoken in one voice. Ella stays in her home and suffers abuse from Lady Tremaine for the simple but very powerful reason that the house is her connection to her parents. Her parents loved that house, and Ella was taught to HONOR the home FOR her mother. She lost both of her parents and witnessed a woman who never loved her father take over her house, fire everyone who worked there that loved her and she loved, and change the home she grew up in,,so she felt obligated to protect her home and honor her house for her parents sake. It was her last connection to them. That makes sense to me. As for her personality, I love that in this version Ella lives by her motto that her mother asked her to live by; "Have courage and be kind" So every day she CHOOSES kindness. To make a choice to BE kind when others are not, that is strength. To forgive others when they have hurt you, that is strength. To find happiness in little things when you are surrounded sadness, that is strength. Ella is a STRONG woman. A KIND woman. And a very COURAGEOUS woman. One of my favorite qualities of Cinderella in the animated version, is her love of animals and how they are her friends. My favorite part of Ella is her love for her animal friends, and her bravery when it comes to protecting animals. I completely  relate to that, and it made me so deeply happy to see Ella so beautifully represent the powerful relationship between animals and humans. How anyone could say Ella isn't a feminist is so confusing to me. She stands up to the Prince, trying to protect an animal, She defends herself in the only ways she can. But most of all, to never lose hope, and to never grow bitter, to always remain kind, good, loving, and thankful. Well, Ella is an extraordinary woman. 

4. Kit. (Prince Charming).  One of the most incredible things about this film is how amazing they made Prince Charming(Richard Madden). He is a Prince with integrity, substance, courage, kindness, and humility. He has personality and works very hard to pursue his love. He has great honor for his father, his country, his duty, his heart. He is TRULY charming. I cannot imagine a more perfect character to fit into those two words "Prince Charming".

5. Ella & Kit. What a magnificent relationship they have. Ella comes galloping into his life and Kit is changed forever. Ella challenges him, shows him a different way of thinking, Kit shows Ella kindness, understanding, and  shows her that she is worthwhile. They are balanced, and both are equally captivated by the other. I love that it's not their looks that pull them in, it's their personalities, and the fact that they both have the same morals. They both believe in living a life of courage and kindness. They fit together. Ella loved him when she believed he was just an apprentice, and Kit loved her knowing she was just a country girl. They didn't care about anything except their connection. My favorite part is when they are on the swing, It represents so much. Kit is showing Ella something he has never showed anyone else. And they both get to just be themselves. Kit worked so hard just to be able to see her again, let alone how hard he fought to find her. Ella never let go of their magical night, and their evening is what kept her spirits up through the worst of her abuse. They lift each other up and inspire one another. I cannot possibly love them more than I already do. Not to mention, Lily James & Richard Madden are the most perfectly cast Ella and Kit I could have ever imagined. Stupendous.

6. Costumes. Every single piece of clothing from starring role to extras is absolutely flawless. I just could not control my gasps as clothing came on screen, over and over again. I cannot stress enough how magnificent the costume design is. Costume Designer Sandy Powell created designs with influences from all different eras to create a world completely unique to Cinderella. I would be the happiest person in the world if I could own every single piece and just be able to wear them every day to the grocery store. Ella's ball gown is the most fabulous thing I've ever seen. It's truly made out of magic. The layers and layers of iridescent fabric, the hint of purple with the blue, the sparkle, the volume, the butterflies, the way it moved. It is breathtaking. Lady Tremaine has the most stunning wardrobe in the entire film to me, I would literally wear every single piece. But some of my favorite pieces are actually the floral dresses that young Ella and her mother wear. They bring so much sunshine and happiness to the screen. I also love Ella's casual light turquoise dress she wears most of the film. I love the pink details on it. As for her wedding dress, well....i just cannot put into words how wonderful that is.

 "Believe me, they are all looking at you."

7. Cinematography. Cinderella was brilliantly filmed. From the first few seconds you realize you are in for a truly magnificent visual treat. I haven't seen amazing cinematography like this is a while. It's just wonderful. The waltz seen is a lovely example of just a beautifully done scene, I'm so happy they actually have it extended and do the full dance. It really adds to their love story and to the romance of the era and the decadence of the ball. The way it was filmed, you feel like you are dancing with them. It is very hard to film a dance scene and still keep the intimacy and emotions intact. But Cinderella is proof it can be done flawlessly. The look of this film is exquisite. 

8. The moral of the story. I care so deeply about this film because the moral of the story touches my heart deeply. I'm a huge believer in treating people like you want to be treated, being kind to everyone, and finding happiness around you regardless of how dark your circumstances are. I'm a true believer that you are a huge part of how you feel. You can think positive or negative, remain hopeful or turn bitter, be nice or mean. This movie shows that in life we make choices, to allow the pain and anger to control us or to rise above it. to succumb to sadness or keep looking for happiness. To be Cinderella or be Lady Tremaine. Bitterness and cruelty are not free, you pay for it and the people around you pay for it. But as Cinderella said:
                                         "Kindness is free. Love is free."

   One of the last lessons we learn in Cinderella is one I feel a lot of us always need to remember, I know I do. When love is real, showing who we really are; all the sides of ourselves we may be embarrassed about, is something that the person that truly loves us not only deserves but will appreciate. If they do not then they weren't right for you. Because the person who is meant for you will love your flaws, your mistakes, and your weirdness because they truly love you. 

             “Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take: to be seen as we really are.

Vulnerability is one of the scariest things in the world. Everyone can relate to the moment when Ella is walking down the stairs repairing to see The Prince in her dirty rag dress, as a country servant girl. She hopes he will still love her, and of course he does because he loved her from their first meeting. He never loved her for her title or money, etc. He loved her for her heart, courage, kindness, and mind. 

Final Thoughts 

I haven't been this captivated by a movie in a very long time. I've already seen it twice, and once this posts I know a third time will have already happened. I only have two complaints 1) The CGI didn't look realistic, I feel like it could have been better. But really, it didn't change my love for the story. 2) BRUNO! I really missed Bruno in this, but I'm guessing Mr. Goose took his place.
I really hope Disney stays on this path of keeping the magic and beauty of the traditional story intact but spicing it up a bit, instead of the complete revisions they have done in the past. Cinderella proves that the fairy tales are timeless for a reason! They do not need NEW twists when they have so much to work with already! I'm really hoping that they treat Beauty and The Beast like they did with Cinderella, because this movie was truly outstanding. I cried several times, I laughed, I gasped, I fell in love.

Lavender's green, dilly, dilly, Lavender's blue,
if you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you.
Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly, and the lambs play;
We shall be safe, dilly, dilly, out of harm's way.

I love to dance, dilly, dilly, I love to sing;
When I am queen, dilly, dilly, You'll be my king.
Who told me so, dilly, dilly, Who told me so?
I told myself, dilly, dilly, I told me so. 


Nina Grace


  1. Oh my goodness! I adore your review of Cinderella!! You have such an incredible gift-everything you touch or put your name to becomes enchanted. I have a sense of urgency to immediately see the movie as soon as possible. Thank you for sharing your radiant gift and constantly shining your light to all who have the privilege to read or hear your kind words. Love this times infinity.

  2. oh yes this movie was simply wonderful!!!
